1. Objectives
1.1. To create intensive knowledge exchange about an important theme 1.2. To generate good ideas on how to take the theme forward 1.3. To create energy and support to implement the best ideas generated
2. Program outline
The program consists of the following steps: - An inspiring opening stating the challenge
- An interactive process in which the group, divided into small teams, is asked to develop proposals regarding 7-8 categorieswhich are defined beforehand. The process is shaped as a competition where proposals are judged by a jury, and the best team gets a prize.
- A concluding part in which proposals are commented and the winning team is announced.
3. Time schedule (may vary depending on the situation)
15-20 minutes Opening and welcome, explanation of the process.
120 minutes Competition
30 minutes Break
15-20 minutes Announcement of the winning team, comments and conclusions
4. Description of the process
The method is an effective way to have a larger group think and exchange knowledge about how to go forward with a limited number of clearly defined issues.
The process is as follows: - The group is divided into groups of 5-10 participants who each sit at a table.
 The groups task is, to define one proposal for each issue. These issues are defined beforehand by a small preparation group. - As soon as a group has decided upon a proposal, they write it down on a card, and send it to the jury, who gives a score tothe proposal. The group is then informed of their score (between 0 and 15 points).
Scoring is based on five clear criteria which have been defined beforehand, for example: - how innovative is the proposal ? - how big is the chance we will implement it ? - what is the return on investment ? - can results be evaluated ? - quality of the argumentation.
- As soon as a group is informed about their score, they may decide to improve their proposal or send in a new one within the same category. However, only the highest score within one category counts.
 - Scores are entered into an Excel spreadsheet which is projected as a histogram on a large screen, so participants can see who is ahead.
The jury can be composed of a management team, and/or experts which are invited. They work in a separate room which however must be close to the groups who compete. A variation is having a second room of experts which may be consulted by groups.  - At the end of the program there is time for reflection while the jury scores the last proposals.
More information ?
Should you be interested in more information, or consider using the method, please contact Gerard Muller, Hepta Aps, Phone: (+45) 21269621 or (+31) 030 2520486, mail:
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